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Introducing “HAMA Korean Restaurant” located in Leeds, UK.
Name : 관리자(test@test.com) Date : 2023-03-24 Hits : 578
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"HAMA Korean Restaurant" located in Leeds, England is the second branch of "YOKOHAMA Restaurant" 

and is a Korean buffet located in The Merrion Centre.

It is a popular buffet restaurant with locals and tourists as you can enjoy a variety of barbecue buffets such as chicken, beef, pork, fish, and lamb, and more than 40 kinds of Korean food.

If you are visiting Leeds, UK, and if you miss Korean food, I highly recommend "HAMA Korean Restaurant".

Great places always have great products!!

At HAMA Korean Restaurant, Cookzen's electric roaster EZ-V1DT is installed and used.

The Cookzen Electric Roaster, which is recognized and trusted overseas, does not emit smoke or smell, so there is no need to install a hood, and the meat does not stick to it, 
so it can be used without replacing the fire plate.

In addition, if a business that uses charcoal replaces it with Cookzen's electric roaster, it will save more than 30 million won a year if 25 units are used for 10 hours a day.

Business name: HAMA Korean Restaurant

Address: 30-32 woodhouse lane, the merrion centre, leeds LS2 8LX UK​


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