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Introducing "KKINI" located in London, UK.
Name : 관리자(test@test.com) Date : 2021-10-25 Hits : 263
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Introducing "KKINI" located in Fortes Road, London, UK.

London Korean restaurant "KKINI" BBQ restaurant provides customers health and pleasant indoor environment by installing and using the clean 

energy low-carbon barbecue grill EZ-V8B, a clean energy far-infrared ceramic electric roaster.


There are various menus such as bibimbap, tteokbokki, galbi soup, and BBQ.


Cookzen commercial electric roasters can be used without installing a hood, and there is no need to replace the fire plate because the meat does not stick to the cooker.

In case of replacing the roaster, it is possible to save more than 30 million won a year based on the use of 25 units for 10 hours a day.



KKINI :131 Fortess road, London, NW5 2HK ,UK​


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